Drinking ELITE (Executive Leaders in Transformation and Empowerment):
A brand new Psychotherapy group dedicated to the very serious investigation of alcohol use.
What is your drinking fitness level?
No one talks about drinking in that way. Well, I do, and soon you will too. Have you ever heard that alcohol kills brain cells? Of course, you have. But how exactly does this process happen? Mysteriously, no one seems to know. Try googling it right now - you'll find nothing! What is the exact dosage, and over what period does it take to kill even one cell?
If you're looking to modify, regulate, titrate, or extinguish your alcohol use, this is the place for you. Because alcohol use is often discussed in conjunction with addiction, it's become a taboo subject. And we treat taboo subjects as if they have mystical qualities that can't be understood. That's nonsense. We have thousands of scientists in lab coats conducting experiments on the neurobiology of alcohol. While there is still massive room for advancements in understanding alcohol, we already know so much about how it works.
So, join the conversation as part of this group, and let's change the way people view alcohol and those who choose to drink it!
Why choose group psychotherapy?
The Psychologist Irvin D. Yalom identified several therapeutic factors in group psychotherapy, each playing a crucial role in learning and growth process of group members:
Instillation of Hope: In group therapy, seeing others progress can instill hope in group members. Hope is a powerful motivator and healer; it encourages participants to persevere through difficult times.
Universality: This factor is based on the realization that one is not alone in their struggles. Group members discover that others have similar problems, which reduces feelings of isolation and uniqueness.
Imparting Information: This involves the educational aspect of group therapy. Group members can learn from the therapist and each other. This learning can be about their conditions, coping strategies, or general life skills.
Altruism: Group settings provide an opportunity for members to help each other, which can enhance their self-esteem and sense of value. Helping others is therapeutic and gives members a sense of purpose and belonging.
The Corrective Recapitulation of the Primary Family Group: The group often functions as a form of a family-like experience, where members unconsciously identify the group and its members with their own family of origin. This dynamic allows them to explore and heal family-related issues.
Development of Socializing Techniques: Group therapy offers a safe environment to experiment with new ways of relating to others. Members can practice social skills, receive feedback, and improve their interpersonal relationships.
Imitative Behavior: Group members can model the behavior of the therapist or other group members. Through observation and imitation, they can adopt healthier coping mechanisms and behaviors.
Interpersonal Learning: This factor is about learning from the interpersonal interactions within the group. Members gain insights into their relationships and behaviors through feedback and observation.
Group Cohesiveness: This is the sense of belonging or being part of a meaningful group. Cohesiveness in a group creates a safe and supportive environment, which is vital for therapeutic change.
Catharsis: The experience of sharing personal stories and emotions in a supportive environment can be cathartic. Catharsis often leads to a release of emotional tension and is a key therapeutic factor in group therapy.
Existential Factors: Group therapy also addresses existential issues such as life and death, isolation, freedom, and meaninglessness. It helps members face the reality of existence, accept some of life's fundamental issues, and live more authentically.
Each of these factors contributes in unique ways to the effectiveness of group psychotherapy, offering a multi-dimensional approach to healing and personal growth.